Thursday, 29 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 29 - "Lonely Planet"

Today's prompt:

And now, for our prompt (optional, as always). This one is called “in the window.” Imagine a window looking into a place or onto a particular scene. It could be your childhood neighbor’s workshop, or a window looking into an alien spaceship. Maybe a window looking into a witch’s gingerbread cottage, or Lord Nelson’s cabin aboard the H.M.S. Victory. What do you see? What’s going on?

Having read about Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins death last night, this was the first thing that popped into my head when I read this prompt, and it made me think of the view of the Earth from the window of the spaceship. I also recently watched the film Stowaway which also has scenes of Earth seen from space, providing a bit more inspiration:

I see it floating
Part submerged and bobbing
On the surface
Of a star-spangled sea

I see it suspended
Hung by invisible wires
Swung by invisible hands
Around the glowing sun

I see it flying
A bird of paradise
Dressed in fine plumage
Of blues and grey-greens

I see Earth; our home
Alone in a vast expanse
A vessel teeming with life
Searching for safe harbour

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