Tuesday 13 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 13 - "Stegosaurs"

The prompt:

And now, on to our (optional) prompt. Today’s prompt comes from the Instagram account of Sundress Publications, which posts a writing prompt every day, all year long. This one is short and sweet: write a poem in the form of a news article you wish would come out tomorrow.

A much more open prompt today which allows for a bit more leeway. I could have gone with easy ones like "World Peace", "End of Covid" etc, but I decided to go for something a little less serious. My eldest daughter is a massive dinosaur fan, so what would thrill her and in turn be something the rest of us would enjoy? Well, the discovery of a Stegosaurus! Enjoy:

In the deepest jungle
Where people have rarely been
Something quite extraordinary
Has recently been seen

This find is unexpected
And you'll wonder if it's true
But surely you'll believe us
By the time we're through

An animal we thought long extinct
Turns out to be alive
It's a wonder that for all this time
It has managed to survive

So here it is, with plates and spikes
And walking on all fours
We present the discovery
Of the last of the Stegosaurs!

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