Saturday 10 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 10 - "Imagination"

Today's prompt:

Finally, here’s our daily prompt (optional, of course!). It’s called “Junk Drawer Song,” and comes to us from the poet Hoa Nguyen.

  • First, find a song with which you are familiar – it could be a favorite song of yours, or one that just evokes memories of your past. Listen to the song and take notes as you do, without overthinking it or worrying about your notes making sense.
  • Next, rifle through the objects in your junk drawer – or wherever you keep loose odds and ends that don’t have a place otherwise. (Mine contains picture-hanging wire, stamps, rubber bands, and two unfinished wooden spoons I started whittling four years ago after taking a spoon-making class). On a separate page from your song-notes page, write about the objects in the drawer, for as long as you care to.
  • Now, bring your two pages of notes together and write a poem that weaves together your ideas and observations from both pages.

I have to say that this prompt did not give me a great deal of inspiration. For a start, I don't even have a junk drawer and secondly don't really have the time and space to be able to sit down and make pages of notes. I tried to seek inspiration from the music theme, but I struggled to pin anything down. The same happened when I tried to think of our odds and ends draw at home when I was growing up. So I've gone completely off topic and down a different route completely. I hope you enjoy:

My wife made buns today
The type an elephant called Daisy
Might eat fifty of in a children's book

We ate them with butter and some tea
Just like they might in a series
Involving an elderly female detective

We watched the storm and bright
flashing lights just like survivors 
From a disaster story

We held hands, and kissed and cried
Getting soaked in the pouring rain
Like a couple in a romantic novel

We battled ten headed aliens
Like the low-born heroes
In a fantasy or science fiction saga

I wrote this poem with a blend
Of true fact and imagination
Just like in real life

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