Sunday 18 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 18 - "Snowflakes and Secrets"

Today's prompt:

And now for our (optional) daily prompt! This one comes to us from Stephanie Malley, who challenges us to write a poem based on the title of one of the chpaters from Susan G. Wooldridge’s Poemcrazy: Freeing Your Life with Words. The book’s  table of contents can be viewed using Amazon’s “Look inside” feature. Will you choose “the poem squash?” or perhaps “grocery weeping” or “the blue socks”? If none of the 60 rather wonderful chapter titles here inspire you, perhaps a chapter title from a favorite book would do? For example, the photo on my personal twitter account is a shot of a chapter title from a P.G. Wodehouse novel — the chapter title being “Sensational Occurrence at a Poetry Reading.”

I found a lot of potential inspiration in this prompt. The list of chapters was varied and I attempted poems from several of them. Most that I tried did not give me a poem fast enough that I could write it in a day - they may become poems in the future, but the heading 'Snowflakes and Secrets' did. I tried not to think too much about it and just let it flow from itself. I think the result is quite interesting:

It is dark
The dark of pure chocolate
Heated in a steaming pan
The sky fumes
Fuming like a teenager
Steaming alone in their room
The air chills
Chilling like an Arctic expedition
Alone without a companion
Ground is filling
Filling with a deadly blanket
Its companion frozen
There's a secret
A secret that goes unspoken
Frozen on the lips

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