Wednesday, 27 April 2016


So, welcome Isabel, now you’re out in the world
For nine months you’ve been inside Mummy
Curled, safe and warm, like a snug bug in a rug
And now we can hold you and hug you at last

Grandad is smitten, as he was with the first
But big sister is full to bursting with emotion
There’s love and there’s jealousy all in one go
But she’ll come around when you’re both playing ball

As for me, well I adore you, as I knew all along
And bore anyone who’ll listen to a long description
One was wonderful, from where I stood as a Dad
But two is much better when fatherhood is concerned

Friday, 15 April 2016


Achievement is not based
On how much you earn
Or on the lives you destroy
And the hopes that you burn
- Just to make yourself richer

It's not about having
Offshore shares and trusts
Of giving in to desires
Or power hungry lusts
- Just to make yourself richer

You can't call achievement
The luck of inheritance
Serendipitous schooling
Providing the circumstance
- Just to make yourself richer

Achievement can be measured
By love and humanity
Learning from mistakes
And giving time to charity
- Just to make your soul richer